Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

good and bad news

Good news: the Rat is in unity!

Bad news: I cannot get any controller scripts on him.... looks like the 'dry run' will have to be with the first-person controller. I'll ask Seth about scripting tomorrow... I can't figure it out.

Also, we need a walk cycle for this rat.

-Molly P.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


yahhh the walls have textures now. Going to make the files unity-ready!

checkered rat

It's Smooth now!!! Still need to unwrap it but will try to get on to it this week. - Deb

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My PC sucks right now

... so I had to take photos of the mazes instead. The PC is also stupid in that it won't let me texture the walls in 3DSMax for some reason..
Shouldn't have gotten sick, would have had more time to sort out the problem.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Gameplay direction

'Due to the lack of production time' so to speak, we're going to have to cut down on gimicks like traps. We only have time to focus on getting the actual mazes done.

-Molly P.
This is a very rough color scheme of the rat. I'm gonna make a couple and post them up. Sorry it was last minute. ( I tried blending it but i failed my bad)


Icons, Mazes, and Items. Oh My

A mockup of a possible maze. There are items to help improve your timed maze run, as well as obstacles meant to slow you down or make you restart.

Alternate Maze Views:

Rat Sketches 1

So here is rat sketch #1 I might sketch more of the rat. I'll also make a rough sketch of how i'm going to piece for the rat model together and the possible color schemes for it since the rat is going to look dirty and gritty but might add more abnormal things. I am quite excited for this guys!
-Deb L.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Rat References

I apologize for the delay but here are some rat references I found. hopefully it would be useful. I'll post my stuff tonight hopefully just crossing fingers if the internets are going to be fine.  *knock on wood*

I'll start working on the model next week.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Suddenly, Texture samples!


Floor (normal)

Floor (Indicating a spot to turn)

These can, of course, be modified, but just wanted to check and make sure this is the look we're going for, yes?

-Molly P.